Whether you are expecting your first child or have several in your family, their safety is almost always at the forefront of your mind. A way to ease you from these worries is to prepare by implementing devices designed to protect them, like furniture bumpers.
Some of the biggest dangers to young children are electrical appliances, cords, and outlets. Finding the right ways to alter these dangerous elements is imperative to childproofing your home from electrical hazards. There are several easy steps to get you started for providing a safe environment for your children to grow and learn.
Get Down on Their Level

Start by getting down on your child’s level. This will help you to identify what they see. You will often find there are things you might have missed or that you might want to fix sooner. For instance, an electrical cord that runs around the living room would pose more threat to a toddler that an appliance that sits up higher out of their reach.
Take your time crawling around your home. Go in each room, looking from floor to ceiling to notice what they will see first. Make a list of things you want to address for each room.
Electrical Appliance Safety
Examine your electrical appliances, both large and small. You can install locks on most large appliances, like washers and dryers. Look through your owner’s manual to find out if your appliance has a lock built in. If not, you can find most at a retail store or other reputable online source.
Small appliances can also pose threats. Heating elements, sharp blades, or power tools can all cause serious injury. Make sure these are out of reach from your children. Also inspect the cords and water lines of your appliances. Anything that is damaged will need replacing. Make it a habit to check these areas frequently and after storms for any disrepair.
Also Read: Tips to Make Your Kitchen Appliances Last Longer
Watch Out for Outlets
Wall outlets are another major cause for concern. You should first check on your outlets to make sure they are properly grounded to prevent shock. Outlet testers are inexpensive and handy to have around for any home maintenance or remodel projects. While you probably have many things plugged in around your home, you will likely have some open plugs. These should be covered with safety outlet plugs that are made from plastic. You can purchase ones that plug into a single outlet, or you can find ones that also cover both plugs and cords.
Childproofing Your Home from Electrical Hazards
Taking all the necessary steps in childproofing your home from electrical hazards will help to ease your mind while protecting your children as they grow and learn. In addition to taking physical steps to prevent injuries, you should also give your children knowledge about electrical safety. Explaining the potential threats and correcting any dangerous behaviors from a young age can instill in importance of respecting electrical hazards. Following the simple steps above will not protect your children as well as educating them on acceptable behaviors regarding appliances, cords, and outlets.