Electric Car Charger Outlet Requirements

Owning an electric car has many benefits. You will save money on fuel consumption and can feel good about your carbon footprint. You’ve probably pictured these positive outcomes a lot in your decision to go to electric. What you might not have thought about is the way you will charge that vehicle and the electric car outlet requirements. You can’t just plug it into any old wall outlet wherever you choose. Home charging stations are necessary for battery-electric vehicles. The most convenient location for this is usually the garage where the car is stored.

There are challenges associated with installing a charging station in a pre-existing garage location. You cannot go retrofitting willy-nilly. It is best to hire an electrician who knows their stuff to make sure you get the right setup that will be efficient and safe. Make sure your chosen professional has prior experience in setups for electrical vehicle charging stations.

Dedicated Circuits for Electric Car Chargers

Wiring comes first in any new electrical installation. You will need a dedicated 240-Volt line. This is like the dedicated circuits required for other major household appliances, like clothing dryers or electric ranges. The line should be placed one to two feet below the desired location of the charging station.

The circuit must be able to handle 50 Amps with a 40-Amp charging rate. This will utilize eighty percent capacity of the circuit. If you are starting out with a lower capacity charger, you should still install this higher-capacity circuit. This way, you can easily upgrade in the future if your needs change. Less expensive charging stations typically use less power, which works well for those who won’t need to charge their vehicle at a faster rate. When you decide to upgrade, having the high-capacity circuit ready to go will save you money on more electric work.

Most charging stations will use a socket that is not hard-wired. Installing a NEMA 6-50 socket is your best bet to accommodate your vehicle’s hookup. If you want to be able to bring the charging station with you in the chance that you relocate, you might want to consider the hard-wiring option. This option will create resistance heat between the plug and socket, so be mindful of this potential issue. At this point in the install, the only thing left is to install your charging station. Make sure it is bolted securely to the wall. 

Electric Car Charging Options

There are many options when it comes to electric car outlet requirements. You can go with a lower or higher rate of charging depending on your needs and budget. You can also opt for a “smart” station that will work with apps to tell you the vehicle’s charging stats. You can find car charging stations and the needed electrical materials at several big box retailers or online. You might even be able to find one used at a lower cost from a trusted source. Whichever option you decide, make sure to consult with a licensed electrician to get the setup installed safely and efficiently to save you even more on you bank account and reduce your carbon footprint.

Call Fowler Electric for Electric Car Charger Installation

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