Electrical Safety Tips for the Summer

When it comes to electricity, safety is always the main concern. While there are hazards and things you shouldn’t do year-round, there are also potential dangers that are specific to summer. When you’re busy getting your swim on or playing some outdoor sports, you might be apt to forget some basics as your excitement for the nice weather takes over. While you’re taking precautions, like staying hydrated and applying sunscreen, don’t forget to take steps to prevent electrical injuries. Remember the following electrical safety tips to keep your summer safe and fun!

Water Safety

Summer is the best time for swimming, whether at the beach or in the pool. Playing on splash pads, slip and slides, and running through the sprinkler are all exciting ways to cool off when the weather is hot. All these summer activities involve one of the biggest threats to electrical safety: water. 

It is important to make sure you are fully dried before handling any electronics, power tools, or electric toys. If you are dripping onto an outlet or exposed wires, you risk the chance of electrical shock or even electrocution. Dry off from head to toe when you’re finished with your water play and wrap wet hair in a towel before using anything electrical to prevent this issue.  

You should also make sure you have the proper electrical setup for your pool area. GFCIs in the wet zones are a must!

Lighting in a night sky
Photo by Felix Mittermeier on Unsplash

Weather Safety

Speaking of water, what does Mother Nature’s wet weather mean for electrical safety? Any time if it is raining outside, you should stop using anything electrical, whether it be a toy, power tool, or sound equipment. Carefully unplug the electronics and take them inside to prevent water damage. You should also move to a place inside whenever you hear thunder. If you can hear thunder, that means lightning is close enough to strike you. Nearly 100 people die every year with another 500 severely injured by lightning. It is better to play it safe than sorry when it comes to weather safety.

Related: What Direction Should Your Ceiling Fan Be Set in the Summer

Power Lines

You should also be aware of power lines during the summer. They should never be approached when they are downed, and you should not climb any trees or other structures that are touching power lines. If you see a downed power line, you should call the local electrical company for assistance immediately. You need to respect power lines, as they can be sources of shock, electrocution, and fires. Do not throw items, like clothing and trash, across power lines as this can damage them. Take precautions when using any toys or equipment that leaves the ground, such as kites, fireworks, or drones.

Electrical Safety Tips for Summer

Even though you should take precautions to prevent electrical injuries all year long, you may need to do a few extra things during summer to keep your friends and family safe. Make sure you are completely dried before using anything electrical. Pay attention to changes in weather where lightning strikes pose a threat. Also, be respectful of power lines. If you take these electrical safety tips to heart, your summer should be full of fun.

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